Posts Tagged ‘unreal’

*This is the last one in my “Dreamscape-serie” and i really hope you like this one to*

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You will have the best experience if you are watching this with black background.



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You will have the best experience if you are watching this with black background.


an old, bricked construction that, due to its texture and colors, matched the sky in an interesting way. I DID NOT PHOTO-MANIPULATE THE SKY. the sky was unreal that day.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone here on 500px, it has been a good year for me photographically and I really hope to become more successful in 2014 (maybe an editor’s choice or 2 ;)) , thanks to everyone who liked my images and inspired, it This is an image that I mirrored in After Effects last night. It is part of a timelapse sequence. The original image that I used to mirror these was this: I’ve really been into mirroring images ever since I saw the awesome "Mirror City" timelapse film: I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts on it since I’m not exactly sure whether it is good or bad.

via Flickr