Posts Tagged ‘waterfall’

The Eastern Fjords of Iceland offer dramatic and encompassing views of steeply rising mountains, powerful waterfalls, oceanic inlets and the more-than the occasional sheep. The experience trekking around here was one of the highlights of my iceland trip.

Hopefully the local mountains are in the process of collecting more snow, so I can get a little bit more of an experience of winter. Sorry to throw more reposts up, but I can’t live with the fact of having a better version of an image on my harddrive. Oh, and 500px doesn’t have a replace option.

After a sleepless night passed hunting the aurora (with remarkable results) this is what the dawn reserved for me (I was completely alone that morning). I preferred this moment, which is a lot before the real sunrise, because of the clouds in the sky that were very menacing, but after 10 minutes they disappeared! Hope you’re gonna like it. If you want to see more shots, visit

Must be viewed on black! Click on the image!

Nightfalls. –

This is a reprocess of an older shot that I had posted way back. I saw it and hated what a shitty job I did so decided to do it again.

This waterfall is located on Þjórsá river, Iceland’s longest river, in the south of Iceland. The mountain in the background is called Búrfell, and the volcano Mt. Hekla, which is expected to erupt soon, is close by.

The waterfall is called “Þjófafoss” which in english means “Thieves Falls”. The icelandic word for a thief is “Þjófur” and the icelandic word for “waterfall” is “foss”.

Apparently, thieves were drowned there a long time ago, hence the name.

Nikon D300 + Tokina 11-16/2.8 & Lee 0.9 ND Grad.

© Jóhannes Gunnar Skúlason

Such a treat to stand on this side of the falls on a North Iceland tour.

Taken with magic cloth long exposure. Use the Magic Cloth Technique.

Þjófafoss South Iceland

Hello my friends, I went for a photo trip to south of Iceland to capture Seljalandsfoss (the waterfall) in his winter state. The Sun is still to low on the horizon to reach the waterfall and everything was frozen all around the fall. There was a lot of spray from the fall attacking my lens, so it was hard to get the shot I wanted. I did not like a lot what came out of the camera, so I went for the surrealistic style having fun in Lightroom and other programs. Playing my style. Power to freedom!

I am standing on the bridge that bridges the gap between the north and the south of our small town. My excitement grew proportionally with the descending sun as it began the color the low hanging clouds and I got the light and the sunset I wished and hoped for. A blend of two exposures for dynamic range.

Doser Waterfall Tirol – Austria

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While scouting shooting locations for my upcoming Thailand photography workshop I visited countless waterfalls but this was my all time favourite. In Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand.