Posts Tagged ‘White Rock’

“Kapurpurawan”(white) rock formations in Burgos, Ilocos Norte

Yield –

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This was an image, created at Crescent Beach in BC, just before the end of last year. The birdie was a well behaved model and stayed pretty still for over 3 minutes on top of the yield sign. It’s a great place for creating minimalist images, when the clouds are thick enough to obscure the horizon.

I used a 10 stop ND filter and a 3 stop hard grad ND filter, to get the right level of contrast and detail in the water and sky.

The techie stuff:

Sony A850 D-SLR
Zeiss 16-35mm Lens
ISO: 100
Aperture: f/13
Exposure: 201 seconds
Focal Length: 30mm
Filters: Lee Big Stopper 10 stop ND filter, Lee 3 stop ND Filter and a Lee 3 stop hard grad ND filter.

All thoughts and comments welcome.

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