crazy eyes by darqfocus

Posted: December 30, 2013 in 500px, arachnid, garden, gardens, ifttt, leaf, lynx, macro, open, paranoid, spider
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A garden lynx spider on a leaf. One has to get used to the ring light effect. It grows on you, eventually. Depending on the left-right split, or if you mask the lower half or rotate, you can invoke the impression of emotions in a spider’s eyes, for example paranoia, surprise, confusion… I actually find with the 5d2 that ISO 800 is a very flexible sensitivity for detail areas, plus it saves battery power at the flash, and if you take as many shots of the same thing as I did that day, you’d do the same. This is an old photo, but one which has received good reviews when in my previous lives on Redbubble, having upgraded Lightroom and Nik Collection, I have reprocessed all of my old raws, exploring the magic of vivid, vibrant colour to enhance detail recovery. I make no apologies that there is a lot of faux colour in this image, but it makes it stand out.

via Flickr

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