Soul Stalker by PedroQuintela1

Posted: February 4, 2015 in landscapes
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Each time I return to Monsanto my love for this village grows and grows, that´s a fact. On this occasion I shot the sunset on the beginning of the path that leads to the castle, about 10 minutes ahead. Its a bit hard to get there, due the inclination and the backpack full of gear, but every meter worth the effort.

During this sunset I realize I´m a soul stalker, because tend to visit places with deep historic routs of those who once lived on this amazing locations. One more time I visit my treasured Monsanto, where I find peace of mind and magic. And this time with an extra.
This village, elected in 1938 as “The Most Portuguese Village of Portugal” has a “connection” with me, because I discovered that my grandfather was there as a scout boy in the day that the award – a silver rooster – was delivered to its inhabitants. I´m feel blessed that at my age I still have my grandparents with health and so, this is dedicated to my beloved grandpa, a man with a great life story.

I also need to thank the special people that visit, comment, vote, share my images. I´ve even made deep friendship connections with some. I hope that someday you can understand the great deal of motivation that create on me. Because of you and 500px I found this magic trend that helps me to express my self. Happy shooting!!

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