Posts Tagged ‘historic’

Berlin Cathedral l Berlin 2015
Part of the series “Berlin”

Each time I return to Monsanto my love for this village grows and grows, that´s a fact. On this occasion I shot the sunset on the beginning of the path that leads to the castle, about 10 minutes ahead. Its a bit hard to get there, due the inclination and the backpack full of gear, but every meter worth the effort.

During this sunset I realize I´m a soul stalker, because tend to visit places with deep historic routs of those who once lived on this amazing locations. One more time I visit my treasured Monsanto, where I find peace of mind and magic. And this time with an extra.
This village, elected in 1938 as “The Most Portuguese Village of Portugal” has a “connection” with me, because I discovered that my grandfather was there as a scout boy in the day that the award – a silver rooster – was delivered to its inhabitants. I´m feel blessed that at my age I still have my grandparents with health and so, this is dedicated to my beloved grandpa, a man with a great life story.

I also need to thank the special people that visit, comment, vote, share my images. I´ve even made deep friendship connections with some. I hope that someday you can understand the great deal of motivation that create on me. Because of you and 500px I found this magic trend that helps me to express my self. Happy shooting!!

This is a short road just off Sir Francis Drake Blvd in Point Reyes National Seashore, not to far from the town of Inverness where I took the Shipwreck and pier photos that same day. At the end of this road is a historic RCA building built in 1929.

Rotherhithe Tunnel, Southwark entrance, London. Spanning the River Thames and opened in 1908, there are apparently 20 pedestrians per day who use the 1.5km long tunnel.

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1770-1830 Historic New England Federal Colonial Style

1770-1830 Historic New England Federal Colonial Style

1770-1830 Historic New England Federal Colonial Style

Final light of the day setting over the historic Princes Pier located in Port Melbourne, Australia.

Summer at the moment, the sky and clouds presented this nice opportunity for a long exposure capture.

Hope you like/enjoy and thanks for stopping by 🙂

Final light of the day setting over the historic Princes Pier located in Port Melbourne, Australia.

Summer at the moment, the sky and clouds presented this nice opportunity for a long exposure capture.

Hope you like/enjoy and thanks for stopping by 🙂

Final light of the day setting over the historic Princes Pier located in Port Melbourne, Australia.

Summer at the moment, the sky and clouds presented this nice opportunity for a long exposure capture.

Hope you like/enjoy and thanks for stopping by 🙂