Posts Tagged ‘algeria’

Last month I was Highly Commended in the Travel Photographer Of The Year Awards for a series of images that I shot in Algeria.

This is the fourth image from that series. The first image is here, as well as some background info.

The Sahara is constantly changing – the sand goes where the wind goes. As a result, the dunes are always on the move. In some areas entire rock formations have been swallowed by the sand, in others you can still witness this happening – like in this shot. The guy on top of the arch is one of our crew.

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If you’re interested in joining us on one of our photo tours, please check out my website for more tour dates, images, video clips, and more:

Squiver Photo Tours & Workshops



©2015 Marsel van Oosten, All Rights Reserved. This image is not available for use on websites, blogs or other media without the explicit written permission of the photographer.