Posts Tagged ‘bubbles’

Explosive light witnessed in Belly of Abraham Nordegg Alberta.
Taken during sunrise ..methane ice bubble galore…

Bubble World | Belly of Abraham, Nordegg Alberta

Methane Ice Bubbles

Trip to Abraham…
What an amazing experience to be in this place to captured these little creatures called the Methane Ice Bubbles….Despite of strong wind gust and coldness after capturing this is truly breathtaking and rewarding. I won’t ask for more beauty than this. What a gift from God… such a blessings to take this home.

Till next time ice bubbles ill be back!

This is a stitch of two horizontal frames, different from the colour version I posted a few weeks ago which was a bit of a rough cut. I think the black and white gives better definition to the foreground.

Frozen bubbles at Abraham lake. Finally we’ve got a nice sunrise after a snow storm that lasted for almost two days.

Sunset over the frozen ice of Abraham Lake in Alberta, Canada. I love the pancake formations in the ice bubbles. So yuumy 🙂

The first time we made it here, we were skunked by bad weather and snow covered lake. We were wishing we had a broom to sweep the snow. Lo and behold the wind blew and helped clear the snow and we had some good conditions.

Also, if you don’t already know, Alex Noriega…the editing master is offering editing workshops via skype. He is seriously talented. Hit him up if you wan to improve your editing.

As always best viewed on black

Bubbles at Abraham lake 🙂 !

Fine methane bubbles on Lake Minnewanka this year, even better than out at Abraham Lake IMO. Just don’t light up a cigarette there.

Fine methane bubbles on Lake Minnewanka this year, even better than out at Abraham Lake IMO. Just don’t light up a cigarette there.

Here are some of the few Canadian bubbles in the rockies taken at Belly of Abraham in Nordegg Alberta. Capturing bubbles is very unique. You basically lay down and swim on the ice. A hard work fun thing but very rewarding. Its not easy to captured them in term of very strong wind gust and temperature below zero.