Posts Tagged ‘cheetah’

On the last day of the trip we came to about this Family we spent 4-5 hrs to see these little once, since the cubs were less than 30 days old very hard to locate them as the mommy was hiding them & was sitting on a diff place & thr was guards also to protect them from too much disturbance.
But finally the guards agreed & gave only 2-3 min to see & come back.
The siting was really beautiful as soon the cubs heard the jeep noise they stopped playing & sat down to give pose as they knew we gonna take photos of them 😛
Feel free to visit my I Flickr I Facebook I Youpic
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On the last day of the trip we came to about this Family we spent 4-5 hrs to see these little once, since the cubs were less than 30 days old very hard to locate them as the mommy was hiding them & was sitting on a diff place & thr was guards also to protect them from too much disturbance.
But finally the guards agreed & gave only 2-3 min to see & come back.
The siting was really beautiful as soon the cubs heard the jeep noise they stopped playing & sat down to give pose as they knew we gonna take photos of them 😛
Feel free to visit my I Flickr I Facebook I Youpic
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This is the fourth piece of my “Sunset Duma” Series. I’m still dreaming of a “Sunset Duma” shot. ^_^

[ This is a post-edited composite. Blended two of my pictures into one:
(1) A sunset shot taken in Maasai Mara as the background,
(2) The cheetah and the foreground taken in Buffalo Springs, Kenya ]

Last 15 days to book the Namibian Safari!
You will love this magic adventure.
Any question here:
This is a link to our last video in Namibia:

A female Cheetah surveys the land in search of prey, as her litter of four cubs stay close. The Masai Mara is a wonderful location to find and photograph these magnificent cats, and at times become privileged enough to catch a glimpse of the young ones.

Mara Triangle, Masai Mara, Kenya.

Website | Prints | Facebook | Skype Processing Tuition

Photograph protected by international copyright laws, all rights reserved.

Masai Mara – Kenya

out of my series ANIMALS

Mother Cheetah.

Cheetah Shashe with one of her five cubs at Tiger Canyons, South Africa. December 2014.

Cheetah brothers stand on top of a tall anthill, scouting the area below for prey and danger.

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya.

Website | Prints | Facebook | Skype Processing Tuition

Photograph protected by international copyright laws, all rights reserved.

Cheetah brothers stand on top of a tall anthill, scouting the area below for prey and danger.

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya.

Website | Prints | Facebook | Skype Processing Tuition

Photograph protected by international copyright laws, all rights reserved.