Posts Tagged ‘horses’

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I love Canada. Not in a “that was a fun holiday” kinda way but more about how this country makes me feel.

Canada and Australia share so many inherent similarities – politically, historically, geographically, etc but ultimately, it’s our deep -seated cultural affability that makes us so comparable.

It’s my last night in this cold and amazing country but I will be back – there’s too much here for me not to.

Canada – you’re awesome!

sunset moment, shot in xilinhot, inner mongolia, china

sunset moment, shot in xilinhot, inner mongolia, china

sunset moment, shot in xilinhot, inner mongolia, china

Is it love or friendship I do not know, but they are having fun I am sure.
This kind of weather is what we call in Iceland “Hundslappadrífa” that means;
It is OK to let your dog go out to play in the snow or Christmas snow….. Big snowflakes gliding down in still of the day.
Judging the picture, I would say Romantic Comedy.