Posts Tagged ‘München’

Happy new year and welcome back to my site.

It has been a long time since my last post. Forgive me, my computer just let me down and I had to restore thousands of exposures.
Glad that most of my stuff was recovered.

Now, with a new monster machine, new software, new monitor and a fatal bank account left behind I am back on track. Isn’t it funny that the bank clerk knows me by name now?^^

Anyway, I will pay them back sometime^^

Lacking any willing models I focused on this umbrella, fitting quiet well in this scenery.

Hope you all feel good, keep on grooving.

munich farmland

Combined Heat and Power Plant in the North of Munich

Red Head at display, Munich

Kattas im Tierpark Hellabrunn

Panorama vom Flamingogehege

Brunnenbuberl Fountain and Karlstor Gate in the Evening, Munich, Germany

Karlstor Gate and Karlsplatz Square in the Evening, Munich, Germany