Posts Tagged ‘nordegg’

Explosive light witnessed in Belly of Abraham Nordegg Alberta.
Taken during sunrise ..methane ice bubble galore…

Bubble World | Belly of Abraham, Nordegg Alberta

Methane Ice Bubbles

Trip to Abraham…
What an amazing experience to be in this place to captured these little creatures called the Methane Ice Bubbles….Despite of strong wind gust and coldness after capturing this is truly breathtaking and rewarding. I won’t ask for more beauty than this. What a gift from God… such a blessings to take this home.

Till next time ice bubbles ill be back!

As the sun rose and filled the mountain ranges with golden light, I hurriedly positioned myself to capture the alpen glow. It came in fast and stayed for a short while. I was left with these cluster of bubbles and framed my scene leading towards the golden mountains.

Taken in Abraham Lake recently from a photo safari. Check more of my work here –

As the sun rose and filled the mountain ranges with golden light, I hurriedly positioned myself to capture the alpen glow. It came in fast and stayed for a short while. I was left with these cluster of bubbles and framed my scene leading towards the golden mountains.

Taken in Abraham Lake recently from a photo safari. Check more of my work here –

It’s the time of the year where photographers flock to get a shot of this unique formations in Abraham lake. For those going there, a good ebook for reference will be of Darwin Wiggett’s. Great information and locations tips.

This is probably the best light I captured during a short stay. The sunrise was fiery and stayed for a moment giving me time to move around and capture the best formations. Wind gust was strong that morning, saw a lot of items being flown from other photographers.

Here are some of the few Canadian bubbles in the rockies taken at Belly of Abraham in Nordegg Alberta. Capturing bubbles is very unique. You basically lay down and swim on the ice. A hard work fun thing but very rewarding. Its not easy to captured them in term of very strong wind gust and temperature below zero.

Methane bubbles form in bodies of water when dead organic matter (leaves and animals) falls into the water and sinks to the bottom, to the delight of bacteria waiting below. The bacteria munches on the matter and poops out methane, which turns to white floating blobs when it comes into contact with frozen water. Methane is formed in thousands of lakes around the arctic, but decreasing permafrost means more and more of this methane is being released into the atmosphere, a worrying trend for climate scientists who note that methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide


FIRE BUBBLES | Belly of Abraham, Nordegg Alberta

My last sunrise on Abraham lake, we were gifted with this fiery sunrise despite strong wind gust. It is one of the most surreal experience to walk on the lake and see thousands of bubbles in the surface. The three days in Nordegg provided us with the best conditions and light. Hope to share more from the adventure soon.

FIRE BUBBLES | Belly of Abraham, Nordegg Alberta

My last sunrise on Abraham lake, we were gifted with this fiery sunrise despite strong wind gust. It is one of the most surreal experience to walk on the lake and see thousands of bubbles in the surface. The three days in Nordegg provided us with the best conditions and light. Hope to share more from the adventure soon.

FIRE BUBBLES | Belly of Abraham, Nordegg Alberta

My last sunrise on Abraham lake, we were gifted with this fiery sunrise despite strong wind gust. It is one of the most surreal experience to walk on the lake and see thousands of bubbles in the surface. The three days in Nordegg provided us with the best conditions and light. Hope to share more from the adventure soon.