Posts Tagged ‘rat’

No Photoshop, this is an image straight out of camera. I captured this over 20 years ago; it has been scanned from Fuji transparency film. How do you think it was shot? They are both live pets and were not at all harmed.

Enjoyable and affordable photographic workshops in France. Full information is on the web site here: Elm Studio

The shot details can be found here: Elm Studio POTW

No Photoshop, this is an image straight out of camera. I captured this over 20 years ago; it has been scanned from Fuji transparency film. How do you think it was shot? They are both live pets and were not at all harmed.

Enjoyable and affordable photographic workshops in France. Full information is on the web site here: Elm Studio

The shot details can be found here: Elm Studio POTW

The House Guest by Karinaeija

Posted: February 4, 2014 in animals
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A photo of my rat, Charlie Therat. He was very sweet and loving, and loved photo shoots! was his Facebook page.

via Flickr