Posts Tagged ‘rockies’

Sunrise on Abraham Lake in the Canadian Rockies. 100kph winds but thankfully only -5c or so! One of the most impressive sunrises I’ve ever witnessed, and quite a special place to do so. It lasted for c.40 minutes and changed hues from vivid pinks and purples to flame reds and oranges. If people are interested photographing this location then please look up oopoomoo(dot)com as they have wonderful e-guides to this location and all throughout the Canadian Rockies which are invaluable!

An overcast morning at Bow Lake, Alberta.

Approaching the near end of my rockies adventure, this is one of my favorite locations in Banff area. Chain of three lakes just a few meters apart showcases Mt. Rundle. Its been said that this is one of the most photographed places in Banff area.

Blessed with a good-cloudless weather, I chose to visit it on a sunset. Perfect timing for the setting sun to kiss the tips of the mountain. Crawled slowly towards the edge of the thin ice, not minding the cracks, set-up my shot and clicked away. Golden hour just before the light turned red. This was taken at the third stop of the lake. Enjoy!

Here is a recent image for a trip to the Canadian Rockies. After scouting this location on several different days during a week long trip we were fortunate to have an extremely cold morning and one of the better sunrise light displays of our trip.

It has been three weeks from my recent adventure and I am still left at awe and lost for words on how to describe and showcase the beauty of Canadian Rockies. One of the most picturesque locations I have ever visited. This place of wonder just gives it all even in it’s extreme weather conditions. Barely scratched it’s surface, I hope I can share with you it’s magnificence thru my lens.

An early morning flight to Alberta coming from Vancouver. It’s a beauty showcase as the warm and soft light kisses the peaks at thousand feet.

It has been three weeks from my recent adventure and I am still left at awe and lost for words on how to describe and showcase the beauty of Canadian Rockies. One of the most picturesque locations I have ever visited. This place of wonder just gives it all even in it’s extreme weather conditions. Barely scratched it’s surface, I hope I can share with you it’s magnificence thru my lens.

An early morning flight to Alberta coming from Vancouver. It’s a beauty showcase as the warm and soft light kisses the peaks at thousand feet.

Taken at the second day of my Canadian Rockies trip.

A surreal skating session at Lake Minnewanka, Alberta, Canada.

If you don’t view it on black then, meh, whatever… no big deal.

This is a shot that I’ve always liked, taken on Logan Pass with my fiend Haley as a storm rolled in at sunrise. But for whatever reason, I never really felt like it was “dialed in” with the processing. So as I was filming my new instructional video (that is up now on my site) I was using this shot as an example for a couple things I was inspired to give this image another walkthrough.

While it isn’t anything terribly original or from a place that a million photographers haven’t been before, I like it. I like the subtle curving line of the creek, the sweeping midground, the beam of red shooting across the face of Reynolds Mountain, and the understated light in the clouds… which I am increasingly growing fond of in place of the insane fiery skies that we all chase.

Anyways, that new instructional video is up and really worth checking out. It’s packed with some unique techniques, and theories about processing you may not find anywhere else. People seem to really be enjoying the videos and have had nothing but great things to say, so I *think* they are helping people… it’s been awesome to see the many before/after shots people have been emailing me. Be sure to check the videos out if you are into that sort of thing. It’s all on my website, as well as more photos, photo tour info, processing instruction via Skype like everyone else is doing, etc, etc. Also I have a fun tour scheduled next week with Mark Metternich. One of the attendees suffered an injury this week and had to cancel, so we have one spot left if you want to have some last minute fun!

2015 Tour Schedule
Arctic Light Workshop – With Arild Heitmann (FULL)
Winter Wonderland Workshop – With Mark Metternich
Processing Tutorial Videos
Processing Instruction via Skype

If you don’t view it on black then, meh, whatever… no big deal.

This is a shot that I’ve always liked, taken on Logan Pass with my fiend Haley as a storm rolled in at sunrise. But for whatever reason, I never really felt like it was “dialed in” with the processing. So as I was filming my new instructional video (that is up now on my site) I was using this shot as an example for a couple things I was inspired to give this image another walkthrough.

While it isn’t anything terribly original or from a place that a million photographers haven’t been before, I like it. I like the subtle curving line of the creek, the sweeping midground, the beam of red shooting across the face of Reynolds Mountain, and the understated light in the clouds… which I am increasingly growing fond of in place of the insane fiery skies that we all chase.

Anyways, that new instructional video is up and really worth checking out. It’s packed with some unique techniques, and theories about processing you may not find anywhere else. People seem to really be enjoying the videos and have had nothing but great things to say, so I *think* they are helping people… it’s been awesome to see the many before/after shots people have been emailing me. Be sure to check the videos out if you are into that sort of thing. It’s all on my website, as well as more photos, photo tour info, processing instruction via Skype like everyone else is doing, etc, etc. Also I have a fun tour scheduled next week with Mark Metternich. One of the attendees suffered an injury this week and had to cancel, so we have one spot left if you want to have some last minute fun!

2015 Tour Schedule
Arctic Light Workshop – With Arild Heitmann (FULL)
Winter Wonderland Workshop – With Mark Metternich
Processing Tutorial Videos
Processing Instruction via Skype