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Le Tre Cime di Lavaredo sono tre delle cime più famose delle Alpi, nelle Dolomiti di Sesto. Sono considerate tra le meraviglie naturali più note nel mondo dell’alpinismo. Si possono raggiungere dal lago di Misurina, da Auronzo di Cadore e dalla Val di Sesto e permettono la vista panoramica delle cime circostanti e del Parco Naturale Tre Cime. Le Tre Cime di Lavaredo assomigliano vagamente a tre dita, che puntano verso il cielo compatte, armonicamente allineate, apprezzate dagli estimatori per forme e colori. La famosa parete settentrionale è situata completamente sul territorio di competenza del comune di Dobbiaco, anche se le Tre Cime di Lavaredo sono state da tempo immemorabile nel comune di Auronzo di Cadore in provincia di Belluno, infatti solo dal 1752 il confine corre giusto sopra le cime, e 3/4 del massiccio è rimasto nel comune di Auronzo ed è quindi veneto. Fra il 1915 e il 1917 le vette delle Lavaredo costituirono il fronte di guerra. Di questo periodo rimangono ancora evidenti resti (trincee, gallerie, baraccamenti) sul massiccio e sul vicino Monte Paterno.

The Three Peaks are three of the most famous peaks in the Alps, the Dolomites of Sesto. Are considered among the best known natural wonders in the world of mountaineering. You can reach the lake Misurina from Auronzo and the Val di Sesto and allow a panoramic view of the surrounding peaks and the Natural Park of the Three Peaks. The Three Peaks vaguely resemble three fingers pointing skyward compact, harmonically aligned, appreciated by connoisseurs for shapes and colors. The famous north wall is located entirely within the territory of competence of the town of Dobbiaco, although the Three Peaks have been from time immemorial in the municipality of Auronzo in the province of Belluno, in fact, only from 1752, the border runs right over the tops , and three quarters of the massif has remained in the municipality of Auronzo and is therefore Venetian. Between 1915 and 1917 the peaks of Lavaredo constituted the war front. Of this period are still visible remains (trenches, tunnels, barracks) on the solid and on the nearby Monte Paterno.

The wait is over! This is the reason the FMI Guild production has been quiet. Tired of going to fit show after show and not having any business (revenue) to show for it? Is your personal training or wellness coaching business stuck in a rut? There is an easy solution to those issues. Go to the people who have had success in the fitness, sports, and wellness industries.
Our most impressive presenting cast to date is ready to help you improve your fitness-based business at “The Fitness MBA’s” Fall Conference.
2014 Conference Presenters:
Lauren Abraham
Robyn Baldwin
Binais Begović
Michael Brickhill
Jay Campbell
Monica Diaz
Brooks Hollan
Natalie Jill
Sohee Lee
Kim Lyons
Natalie Minh
Greg Plitt
Mike Rashid
Gary Augustine Warren
Michael Waters
Tamilee Webb
Harvey Elkins
Peter Salama
Brett Seeley
DO NOT HESITATE! Invest to improve your business now! Continuing education and photography available.

The wait is over! This is the reason the FMI Guild production has been quiet. Tired of going to fit show after show and not having any business (revenue) to show for it? Is your personal training or wellness coaching business stuck in a rut?

There is an easy solution to those issues. Go to the people who have had success in the fitness, sports, and wellness industries.

Our most impressive presenting cast to date is ready to help you improve your fitness-based business at “The Fitness MBA’s” Fall Conference.

2014 Conference Presenters:
Lauren Abraham
Robyn Baldwin
Binais Begović
Michael Brickhill
Jay Campbell
Monica Diaz
Brooks Hollan
Natalie Jill
Sohee Lee
Kim Lyons
Natalie Minh
Greg Plitt
Mike Rashid
Gary Augustine Warren
Michael Waters
Tamilee Webb

Harvey Elkins
Peter Salama
Brett Seeley

DO NOT HESITATE! Invest to improve your business now! Continuing education and photography available.

Religious place for worshipping in the mist, cloud, Buddhist prayer flag

Behind the scenes with Outex on a miserable day…

Steelheads Hockey 2014

Steelheads Hockey 2014