Posts Tagged ‘way’

Frost in the Ore mountain.

Hi, my name is Justin and I’m an astro photography addict. For real though I love the stillness and the quiet of night. I’ve never seen bonsai rock with the winter Milky Way bow over top of it. I managed to capture a lot of heavenly bodies in this shot. On the high res image you can see the Andromeda Galaxy, Jupiter, Sirius, Betelgeuse, the Pleiades and even comet love joy. The reflections on the water really help set the mood and feel of this image. I hope you enjoy and feel free to share!

Tipsoo Lake, Mt. Rainier N.P.

I thought I had seen an owl flying into the forest. I followed and found this beautiful curve leading to the rising sun.

Unfortunately I didn’t find the owl but this picture is very satisfying as well.

My EXIF is a mess but I was just running after the owl and not thinking about my shutter 😦

En cuanto al título me vino la inspiración mientras veía al Atleti el otro día 😉
Now, you can follow my work on: DOLCEFOTO
My new web together with Marta
See You in: FB / Twitter
Thank you very much for your visits and comments 🙂

En cuanto al título me vino la inspiración mientras veía al Atleti el otro día 😉
Now, you can follow my work on: DOLCEFOTO
My new web together with Marta
See You in: FB / Twitter
Thank you very much for your visits and comments 🙂