Posts Tagged ‘star’

Seljalandsfoss waterfall last night, lit up by floodlights and accompanied by some northern lights. =)

Look up and get lost .

New Zealand

From our recent trip, the undoubted photographic highlight was our time around the volcanos (Taranaki and Tongariro). Conditions were far more favourable at Taranaki though moments before this it was not looking so good as she was covered entirely in cloud. As the cloud finally cleared, gaps in the mountain appeared and cloud appeared lit from below.

Presently, there seems to be a few threads and forum posts about how landscapes are overly manipulated to the same common end point and how much hate that seems to be generating. I loved this walk and in that moment, I was thrilled to see the mountain clear. I hope that’s forefront on your minds as you view this rather than any thoughts about how ‘generic’ it may appear with its exposure blend, hues and contrasts.

[Web Gallery]

Panorama of Double Arch in Arches National Park, Utah, This is a re-edit from an image I was not happy with. There are 20 vertical images stitched together in photoshop, taken with a Sigma 15 mm f 2.8 Fisheye lens. The idea was to get the openings of both arches, as well as the Milky Way seen through the opening in the “roof”. Taken with 30 sec exposures, f 2.8, ISO 6400, Canon 6D. I removed as much distortion as possible in photoshop, but there is always going to some distortion when you are trying to make a spherical object fit into a rectangle!

Tipsoo Lake, Mt. Rainier N.P.

Hello everyone, Hope you all doing well?
I just finished part one from the trip and I will complete after couples week, It is long and hard trip. The first photo from Empty Quarter
الربع الخالي – قعد السوطي
For more info for Empty Quarter Please follow the link below

Saudi Arabia desert photo by Tariq ALmutlaq
صحاري المملكة العربية السعودية تصوير طارق المطلق
instagram \ Getty Images \ Google+ \ Facebook \ Twitter \ Pinterest \ Picasa \ Panoramio \ Fotoblur \ Darckr \ Tumblr \ Livejournal \ WordPress

Hello everyone, Hope you all doing well?
I just finished part one from the trip and I will complete after couples week, It is long and hard trip. The first photo from Empty Quarter
الربع الخالي – قعد السوطي
For more info for Empty Quarter Please follow the link below

Saudi Arabia desert photo by Tariq ALmutlaq
صحاري المملكة العربية السعودية تصوير طارق المطلق
instagram \ Getty Images \ Google+ \ Facebook \ Twitter \ Pinterest \ Picasa \ Panoramio \ Fotoblur \ Darckr \ Tumblr \ Livejournal \ WordPress