Posts Tagged ‘tahoe’

at Lake Tahoe

Just another beautiful sunrise in Tahoe

Spend a lot of time shooting the other direction, turned around by chance and saw this! Please view in black.

Just another lovely day in paradise.

Hi, my name is Justin and I’m an astro photography addict. For real though I love the stillness and the quiet of night. I’ve never seen bonsai rock with the winter Milky Way bow over top of it. I managed to capture a lot of heavenly bodies in this shot. On the high res image you can see the Andromeda Galaxy, Jupiter, Sirius, Betelgeuse, the Pleiades and even comet love joy. The reflections on the water really help set the mood and feel of this image. I hope you enjoy and feel free to share!

Please check it out in black!

Please check it out in black!

Please check it out in black!

Please view it in black!

Lake Tahoe is a beautiful location. I am always searching for beauty wherever I can find it. I am lucky enough to live near this natural wonder. On this winter sunset, the sun lit the sky and water brilliantly and I was happy to be there. I hope you enjoy this image also. I thank you all for looking and appreciate all your support!